14 June 2019

This one's mine

Family Law


Financial agreements – Quarantining an asset and distribution of the shared property

Can a binding financial agreement ‘quarantine’ one specific asset?

Is it sufficient to specify the asset intended to be quarantined and have a general provision in the agreement that any other assets or liabilities will be agreed upon from time to time or in accordance with applicable title documents?


Thank you for the question.

The agreement can specify an asset to be quarantined and include a schedule of all other assets and liabilities that are to be treated as shared property, not separate property. Shared property can then be dealt with in accordance with the agreement, the title documents or the Family Law Act 1975.

However, if the financial agreement is only quarantining one asset and if the distribution of the remainder of the assets cannot be agreed upon in the event of separation, the court has jurisdiction to determine distribution and, in doing so, could take the retention of the quarantined asset into account as a financial resource under s 75(2). In that sense, the value of the quarantined asset could still affect the overall distribution, regardless of the financial agreement and the exclusion of the asset from the distribution.

