30 July 2021

Duty of care

Family Law


Family law - Evidence from children

I act for the applicant in a parenting matter in the Federal Circuit Court.

There are interim orders that the other parent is not to have any contact with a specific person, however the children have told our client that the other parent has been having contact with this person. There are further allegations that the children have been exposed to drugs and domestic violence as a result.

Can we take a statement from the children? 

Thank you.


Thank you for the question.

While r 15.02 of the Family Law Rules 2004 provides a means for evidence from children to be adduced, it is generally not necessary and the court prefers to keep children out of the dispute. The client could provide an affidavit deposing the specific conversations with the children. The children’s views could be ascertained via an independent children’s lawyer or they could be spoken to as part of either a family report or a child inclusive conference.

The client should consider what other evidence might be obtained to show that the other parent is bringing the children into contact with that person.

