25 February 2021

Job lot

Sale, Purchase, Mortgage, Lease


Conveyancing - Client authorisation - Development

We act on a 40 lot development. Do they have to sign 40 client authorisation forms or can we get them to sign just one?


Thank you for the question.

One client authorisation form can be completed with ‘batch authority’ selected for the authority type. This authorises a representative to act for the client in a batch of transactions, details of which are to be attached to the client authorisation. The batch authority can either list individual properties or reference the subdivision. It is up to the client and the representative to agree how best to describe what is covered by a batch authority so that there is no ambiguity.

A standing authority may also be appropriate. This authorises the representative to act for the client for multiple transactions for a period of time set out in the client authorisation.

