18 December 2020

The indemnity Claus

Criminal Law


Christmas criminal - Break, enter and steal - Multiple offences

Dear Mentor

We act for an elderly gentleman who is charged with a number of counts of break, enter and steal. He is alleged to have parked his vehicle on the roof of a residential dwelling, climbed down the chimney into the house, wherein he consumed a glass of port and stole a carrot. According to the police, he then climbed back up the chimney and escaped. He is alleged to have repeated the offence over 2.8 billion times. Although the client is neither contrite nor remorseful and has a long record for similar offences, we have been instructed to plead guilty.

Interestingly, whilst in the dwellings our client deposited various items, including toys, sporting goods, articles of clothing and domestic ornaments, the total value of which appears to exceed approximately $100 billion.

We have two questions:

  1. Is our client a candidate for having the charges dismissed without conviction?
  2. Can we seek the return of the goods to cover our fees?


Scrooge & Co.


Thank you for the questions.

If you believe, you will receive.

Regards and Merry Xmas,


The next Mentor of the week post will be Friday 8 January 2021.

Until then the team at By Lawyers wishes everyone a safe and peaceful Christmas break.